I’m Emma, and politics affects me.
Tell me a little about you…
Hi! My name is Emma and I’m a twenty-something marketing coordinator from Cornwall. I have a two year old son and blog at A Cornish Geek.
Did you vote at the last election? And why?
Yes. Women died for my right to vote and, as a passionate feminist, I think it’s essential to show up and make a difference.
What would you say to those who don’t vote?
How can you expect anything to change if you don’t try and make a difference yourself? We’re all passionate about at least one particular area – something that we want to protect or improve. If you just bitch about it rather than actually put a cross in a box, what’s the point?!
What issues at election time are most important to you and why?
The biggies for me are health and education, particularly increased mental health resources in Cornwall, more access to grants for students from low-income families (including further education) and more options for young people in education, i.e. more apprenticeships. I would also hate to see cuts to support for low-income families who rely on childcare so they can work/pay the bills.
Have you ever been involved in politics beyond elections?
I work in higher education and we work hard to encourage young people to register to vote and educate them on different parties and policies. I’ve also been known to attend the odd local demonstration to save hospital services etc.
Are there any causes/interests you’re particularly passionate about? And how does politics impact on these interests?
I’m a feminist and film buff, so I’m all about supporting women with young children, breaking the glass ceiling and providing funding for arts programmes/projects. Funding seems to be a consistent issue and I think government priorities really need to be reassessed.
Does politics have an effect on your work or study?
Definitely. The Brexit decision has caused concerns re. fees for international students and UK students studying abroad and disability cuts have left many students struggling to support their studies. Changes to student loans and grants mean that more students are having to work to support their studies, thereby having less time to focus on their degree which has become more expensive. There are so many factors.
Do you discuss politics with your friends?
More so with my partner, family and colleagues rather than socially but I’m really interested to see that #bloggerswhovote is taking off. I love that the platform is being used to reach young voters in an alternative way.